Thank you for visiting our website. Before reaching out to us directly, we encourage you to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section, as you may find the answers to your questions there. If you still have questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact us using the form below and we will be happy to assist you.

How do I access the portal to upload my sales tax exemption certificates?

Click on the Tax-Exempt button on the following page, here.

What types of sales tax exemption certificates are accepted?

Resale exemption certificates, state-specific or state issued, manufacturer’s certificate, and non-for-profit certificates.

How do I know if my sales tax exemption certificate has been accepted?

You will receive a message right after you finish entering the required information in the EC Wizard and click <Submit>.

What should I do if my sales tax exemption certificate is rejected?

Moderna Tax will determine if the certificate can be accepted. Certificates which are not accepted may require additional information to verify the tax exemption is valid.

How often do I need to upload sales tax exemption certificates?

Expirations vary, some states do not require renewal and others have an expiration date. A notification will be sent to you if another certificate is required.

What happens if I do not upload a sales tax exemption certificate?

If the actual image of the certificate is not loaded successfully, we will not be able to accept the certificate data entered during the submission process. We need that image to validate the data entered.

How often do I need to upload sales tax exemption certificates?

A certificate allows an individual or organization to exempt sales tax from purchases. The certificate supports the exemption to be applied by customer type.

Purchasers who are registered in a state and are exempt can submit a tax exemption form. Some certificates do not expire while others require that you renew your certificate and provide Moderna with the updated copy. Specific questions regarding the rules and regulations of your state should be raised with the relevant Department of Revenue or similar state agency.

Seller (Moderna US) is required to collect and validate certificates prior to exempting tax. If a certificate is incomplete, expired, or unavailable, the seller is responsible for collecting tax.

Who needs to upload sales tax exemption certificates?

An individual, business or organization who conducts activities that exempt sales taxes from their purchases.

How do I obtain a sales tax exemption certificate?

Getting a sales tax exemption is not an option for everyone. Exempt entities vary for each state, but often include:

▪ Nonprofit organizations

▪ Religious or educational affiliations

▪ Federal, state, and local government

▪ Specific industries

▪ Manufacturers

Can I upload multiple sales tax exemption certificates at once?

Yes, you can upload one or multiple certificates to the portal.

How long does it take for a sales tax exemption certificate to be approved?

Successfully submitted certificate(s) through the Moderna tax exemption portal will take typically 1-3 days for approval. We may face a high volume and approvals could take longer, if you haven’t received approval within a week, please reach out for status.

Can I upload a sales tax exemption certificate for a previous transaction?

You can upload a certificate for a previous transaction. However, we may want to obtain that certificate through email so we can expedite the process to load that dated certificate into our tax system directly so we can reprocess the incorrect invoice.

What should I do if I have questions or issues with uploading sales tax exemption certificates?

Please contact (see below)

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our website. Before reaching out to us directly, we encourage you to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section, as you may find the answers to your questions there. If you still have questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact us using the form below and we will be happy to assist you.


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